~*The Greatest Weight Loss Program*~

A man was walking down the street, he saw an advertisment on a telephone pole for "The Greatest Weight Loss Program". They had 3 different programs. One that lasted 5 days, another for 10 days and the last one for 20 days. The ad also said, "100% successful or ALL your money back!".The man thought he had nothing to lose except his weight, so he took down the phone number.

When he got home, he called the company.
Man: I would like to try your weight loss program.
Woman on the phone: Sure, which program would you like to join?
Man: I think the one that takes 5 days.
Woman on the phone: Great! Can I have your details, please?
So, the man gave his details.

Early next morning there was a knock on the door. Standing in his doorway was a beautiful woman with nothing on except joggers and a sign over her body saying, "If you can catch me, you can have me!". This went on for 5 days until on the last day he caught her and he had her!! :)

The man lost 5kg during 5 days and was very impressed! He decided to lose more weight and to try the 10 days program. He called the company asking to join the next program. The woman took down his details and told him that it would be effective tomorrow morning.

Sure enough, there was a knock on his door early in the morning. Standing there was an even more beautiful and fitter woman. She was wearing nothing but a pair of joggers and a sign over her glorious body saying, "If you can catch me, you can have me!". This continued for 10 days until the last day he caught her and he had her!! :)

In that time the man lost 10kg. He was very happy and loved the way this program worked. So, he decided to try the final program, the 20 days one. He once again called the company.
Man: I want to do the 20 days program now.
Woman on the phone: Are you sure? This is a very tough program.
Man: (smiling) I think I can handle it.
Woman on the phone: It is VERY intense. Are you positive?
Man: I am positive!
So, the woman on the phone took down his details and he paid his money.

Sure enough, there was a knock on the door early the next morning. Standing in the doorway was an absolutely gorgeous, totally fit man. He was naked except for a pair of joggers and a sign over his tanned body saying, "If I can catch you, I can have you!".

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